A New Way to Think about Value

Value4Value is a monetization model, a content format, and a way of life. It is about freedom and openness, connection and free speech, sound money and censorship resistance. The largest success to date of applied V4V is Podcasting 2.0. Nostr’s zaps are another example.

4287417 creators indexed.
22610 creators value-enabled.
V4V - A New Way to Think about Value

Monetization Model

Let’s get one thing out of the way: monetizing non-scarce information is difficult. The default m...

Content Format

There isn’t one content format when it comes to Value4Value. When it comes to podcasting, includi...

Way of Life

Value4Value is more than a monetization scheme; it’s a lifestyle. It’s a mindset of abundance and...

The Numbers

Only ~4% of people give value back, and that’s okay. Some will give little, some will give a lot—...

Ask and People Will Give

The Ask is the most important piece of the puzzle. The number one reason people do not give is be...

The Feedback Loop

A more direct relationship with your audience, leading to a dynamic feedback loop of co-creation....

Time logo


Your time & attention are valuable. Spending them is valuable in and of itself.
Talent logo


It doesn't have to be money. Whatever your skills, there are many ways to give back.
Treasure logo


Thanks to Lightning, monetary value can be exchanged instantly without friction.